Social Enterprise
Food | Bulk buy |Clothes & Textiles
Bristol Estate Food Coop
Plans for launching Bristol Estate Food Coop mean produce grown at the allotment can be distributed at low cost to residents who sign up to the scheme
Food Events:
Food Buying Groups and Coops
Want to save money and decrease the amount of single use plastic and unnecessary packaging you use? Resident run Food Coops can organise to buy in bulk for the community. These schemes work particularly well for dry wholefoods such as rice, pulses, nuts and cereals as well as cleaning products.
Clothes and Accessories Swaps
Why shop disposable when you swap sustainable. Looking for a great way to turn good condition clothes and accessories that you no longer want into new items for your wardrobe? Come along to one of our clothes swaps.
If any projects interest you and you would be interested in volunteering to help contact
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