SUSTAINABILITY: Metagraph Aims | Activism | Food | Health | Learning | Repair & Reuse | Volunteer | Opportunities
Transition Network
Transition is a movement that has been growing since 2005. It is about communities stepping up to address the big challenges they face by starting local. By coming together, they are able to crowd-source solutions. They seek to nurture a caring culture, one focused on supporting each other, both as groups or as wider communities.
In practice, they are reclaiming the economy, sparking entrepreneurship, reimagining work, reskilling themselves and weaving webs of connection and support
One Planet Living Ideas For Community Groups
Brighton & Hove Food Partnership
Brighton and Hove Food Strategy Action Plan 2018-2023
Manor Park Gym
The Hanover Centre, Southover Street, Brighton. operates a great Repair Cafe drop in on the last Saturday of the month. https://brightonrepaircafe.wordpress.com/
We believe it would great to run a similar monthly session at Bristol Community Cafe. We're looking for volunteers on Bristol Estate with skills they would like to share. For example repairing zips, darning, replacing elastic, hemming, repair a wooden chair with your woodwork/carpentry skills, have electrical skills, PAT testing.
Why volunteer your skills? it's an opportunity to meet residents on estate interested in reducing landfill, it can be a good way to promote your trade and network, help build the community on the estate.
Would you like to help coordinate and run events? Get in touch: metagraph55@gmail.com.
Is there an activity running locally that you would like to see listed on this site? Please get in touch and let us know. Leave your contact info so we can check any details with you - thanks.
Website pages are reviewed and updated fortnightly